PRESENT: Carolyn Avery, Alice Banks Lambright, Toney Bethea, William Bridges, Geneva Rogers Hill, Barbara Horton, Janet Howard, George Jones, Helen Davis Montague, Gwendolyn Robertson Horton, Brenda Peebles, Fabette Smith, Portia Tomlinson, Clarence Williams REGRETS: Carolyn Ratliff
The meeting was called to order at 3:12 PM with Toney Bethea presiding. Toney thanked everyone for attending.
The March meeting minutes were approved with no corrections.
The Treasurer, Alice Lambright, reported that there were two disbursements based on motions from the March meeting: payment of the JW Ligon Alumni Association dues for Class rep, Geneva Rogers Hill, $120 and $96 for Class mailbox rental. The Treasurer shared that some class members are mailing checks without clear designation of whether the payment is for Class assessment, Alumni activities or guest. Howard will create a form that members can use to accompany checks. (See attachment.)
Class members asked about the remaining payments due. Point of clarification: Class members unanimously agreed that members of 1968 Class must pay class assessment to attend class events and will be unable to attend 50th Reunion Celebration Brunch for the guest rate.
Alumni Association representative report: Geneva Rogers Hill, class rep reported the following: The Class needs to submit a song. Howard stated again that the survey song result (only 7 responses) was Say It Loud I’m Black & I’m Proud, James Brown. The attendees unanimously voted to have DJ play Soulful Strut rather than Say It Loud . . . during the Sat., Alumni Class Roll Call for 1968. The Sat., night Alumni dinner/dance is scheduled for 7:30 PM - 12:30 AM with dinner served between 8 PM – 10 PM only. The Sunday Social at Robert’s Park is scheduled for 3 PM – 7 PM with food served 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM only. Remember to save and bring the Alumni ticket stub to the Sunday event. No stub, no entry. Sun., event catered by Carolina Barbeque. Tickets for Sunday only are $25 and $15 for those 12 and under. Class voted unanimously to accept classmates’ Alumni Association payments until June 15th; after that time, Alumni event tickets increase to $100 instead of $80 & must be purchased directly from Alumni Association or its representatives. (To ensure that you sit with class, pay on or before June 15th). Class was advised to submit within the next few days any information it wants in the Alumni Association newsletter. Howard agreed to prepare and send an announcement of Class events. Asked if the class still wanted the Hospitality Room for Friday evening.
After discussion about the cost of snacks and the bartender, the class agreed unanimously to release the room to another class and to charge a small fee for all persons attending the Friday night hospitality event except guests of Classmates who have paid their assessment.
St. Augustine’s University location approved; menu #3 forwarded w/additional requests for omelets & shrimp grits at $25/per person Max.
Souvenir(s) Committee Report: Carolyn Ratliff called and informed the Exec Committee that she had a commitment and would miss the meeting. She did however since a reminder via Helen Montague who reported that the t-shirt Ratliff designed w/1968 Class ring front is $12 per shirt.
Program Committee Report: Fabette Smith, co-chair, presented program overview & outline for entire program. Confirmed that all Prg participants have agreed to serve; Class members requested visuals for memorial; Leotha Forte volunteered to provide sound equipment; proposed starting time 9:30 AM; however, SAU contract indicates 10 AM; Bethea and/or C. Williams will confirm time. Program accepted as presented. Bethea added that even though the length is 4 hours, since the committee will forward a program that includes time for each activity, class members can select what they want to attend if attending the entire program creates a challenge for some.
The Marriott Presidential Suite and/or similar room along w/other locations will be investigated for location of Friday hospitality event.
The additional action was decided by unanimous agreement/consent: Expend a maximum of twenty dollars ($20) for invitations to faculty and staff.
There was no new business.
Next meeting: Sat., May 19, 3 PM – 5 PM, Richard B Harrison Library, New Bern AV, corner of Hill ST & New Bern AV.
REMINDERS: Make checks payable to JW Ligon Class of 1968 and mail to JW Ligon Class of 1968, PO Box 26041 Raleigh NC 27611-6041.
Class Assessment $100 per classmate (50th Celebration Venue and Brunch, souvenirs, hospitality area, teacher acknowledgment, decorations, music, class scholarship award) DUE NOW!
50th Brunch guest $25/per guest DUE NOW.
Alumni Activities $80/per person (June 30th Sat., night dinner/dance w/class roll call; July 1st Sun., social w/meal) DUE no later than June 15th. (Our class Alumni Assoc rep will purchase our tickets so that we have assigned and adjacent seating. You must purchase your tickets directly through an Alumni Assoc member after June 15th at $100/ticket.)
Silent Auction Remember to submit your bid for our Silent Auction items on or before June 1. Current April high bids: 18 inch Galileo thermometer: $110; 15 inch thermometer: $50; Dark wood knife set: $60; Lighter wood knife set: $25
Adjourned at 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted, Toney Bethea, presider Janet Howard, recorder