John W. Ligon High School - Class of 1968
Meeting Notes - Sat., February 17, 3 PM – 4:45 PM
K&W Cafeteria Tower Shopping Ctr Raleigh
Present: Alice Banks Lambright, Toney Bethea, Carolyn Lee Bray, William
Bridgers, Mary Johnson Campbell, Esther Delany, Leotha Forte, Geneva Rogers
Hill, Janet Howard, Shirley Williams Hunter, George Jones, Carolyn Avery
McClain, Glorias McCullers Lee, Clarence Merritt, Helen Davis Montague, Rosalyn
Swayze Ollison, Brenda Peebles, Carolyn Ratliff, Fabette Smith, Portia Tomlinson,
Clarence Williams, Harold Williams,
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM. Janet Howard opened the floor for the nomination of a presider, chair, president. The attendees unanimously agreed that Toney Bethea would be the presider, president, chair.
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM. Janet Howard opened the floor for the nomination of a presider, chair, president. The attendees unanimously agreed that Toney Bethea would be the presider, president, chair.
Toney thanked everyone for attending. The first order of business was a
discussion of the menu for the St. Augustine’s University, Student Center
Ballroom venue. Toney thanked Clarence
Williams, an alum, who received and forwarded the catering information. After extensive discussion of the information
distributed (emailed & on the blog) Janet made the following motion: ‘I
move that we set a $25 per person maximum for the 50th Celebration
brunch to include the basic breakfast and 3 custom items: made to order
omelets, chicken & waffles and shrimp and grits.’ George Jones seconded the
motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Toney added that, of course, the caterer has to agree with our proposal. Clarence Williams agreed to be the class
negotiator for our menu items within the cost specified.
Toney asked who wants to serve as the class treasurer. Alice Banks
Lambright agreed to serve and asked that the minutes show that she ‘wants no
drama or stress and will pass the responsibility to someone else if that
occurs.’ Classmates wholeheartedly agreed with no drama and no stress. Esther
reported that she had received assessments in the mail and that she would pass
those along to Alice along with receipt books, bank statements, deposit records
and paid lists. Make
checks payable to JW Ligon Class of 1968 and mail to JW Ligon Class of 1968, PO Box 26041
Raleigh NC 27611-6041.
Geneva Rogers Hill requested to see a written financial report at each
meeting. Janet reminded the group that
at every meeting the former treasurer presented a full report of income,
expenditures and balance along with a copy of the bank statement. She added that Mike Corbett had requested,
and classmates agreed, that the financial report would be verbal. Shirley Williams Hunter suggested that a form
be created with the pertinent information for distribution, Janet agreed to
create a form with the assistance of the presider and the treasurer.
Classmates agreed by consensus that the 50th Celebration
Brunch cost for spouses, guests (except teachers who receive a gratis meal)
would be $25 instead of $30.
Fabette asked if the current Ligon principal, an African American woman, could be invited. The class agreed to invite her. Howard offered to cover her meal cost and her invited guest.
Geneva, the class Alumni Association representative asked which song we wanted for the Sat., night class roll call (as each class year is called a song is played as class members come to the dance floor); she stated that the Alumni Association wanted the song title at the March meeting. Toney suggested a poll of the class. Additional shared Alumni items included: Alumni Scholarship Baby Contest April 14, @Mt Sinai Church - 10% goes to the winner along with picture and article in The Carolinian; Class dues to the Association are $120 dues for 2018, fiscal year Jan- Dec are due; planned Mr or Ms Alumni contest; reminder that Alumni activities (Fri., hospitality, Sat., night dinner dance, Sun., social cookout) will cost $100 after June 15th.
Toney asked that we double check carefully the deceased list because there is at least one name of a classmate who is not deceased on the list.
Next meeting: Sat., March 17th 3 PM – 4:30 PM,
Richard B. Harrison Library, 1313 New Bern AV (corner New Bern & Hill)
checks payable to JW Ligon Class of 1968 and mail to JW Ligon Class of 1968, PO Box 26041 Raleigh NC 27611-6041.
Assessment $100 per
classmate (50th Celebration Venue and Brunch, souvenirs, hospitality
area, teacher acknowledgment,
decorations, music, class scholarship award)
Brunch guest $25/per
guest DUE April 15th
Activities $80/per
person (June 29th Fri., hospitality; June 30th Sat.,
night dinner/dance w/class rollcall; July 1st Sun., afternoon social to include a meal) DUE April 15th (Our class Alumni Assoc rep will purchase our
tickets so that we he assigned and adjacent seating. You may purchase your tickets through an
Alumni Assoc member. Purchases after
June 15th are $100/ticket.)
Auction Remember
to submit your bid for our Silent Auction items. We will provide monthly updates.
high bids:
inch Galileo thermometer: $100 (2)
inch thermometer: $50
wood knife set: $60
wood knife set: $25
Class Song Watch for a
poll to offer your choice.
Adjourned at 4:45 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Toney Bethea, presider
Janet Howard, recorder